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FinJAP - Social Services and Health Care in Finland and Japan – FinJap Services

FinJap hankkeessa tarkastellaan iäkkään henkilön kotona-asumisen vahvistamisen keinoja ja vanhusten palveluita Suomessa ja Japanissa. Hankkeessa jaetaan erilaisia käytänteitä ja ideoita iäkkäiden hoivaan liittyen sosiaali-, hoito- ja liiketalouden näkökulmista. Hanke toteutetaan monialaisesti opiskelijalähtöisessä tiimioppimisen ympäristössä (P2P).

  • Toteutusaika:1.8.2018 - 31.12.2020
  • Rahoittaja:CIMO
  • Tutkimusohjelma:Kestävä ja monipuolinen sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • Projektityyppi:International RDI
  • Teemat:Pedagogiikka ja yhteiskehittäminen, Yrittäjyys
  • Projektipäällikkö:Sari Heikkinen

The main idea of FinJap –project is to learn from each other about the most meaningful issues that are related to ageing society in the situation of very fast growing elderly population, concentrating on those services that support older people to live at home as long as possible. The main aim is to strengthen the knowledge of variety of the services provided and financed in social sector in both countries to be able to do benchmarking and find best practices and models for supporting the everyday life of the elderly in a socially and economically sustainable way. Aim is also to create a business case study on how the public/private funded social service providers (private companies & public sector) are working and how they are funded. Between  HEIs´ in Japan and Finland the students and teachers can change ideas and learn from eachother. FinJap is a pilot project which aim is to view how elderly care systems work in Japan and Finland and how they sustain wellbeing of elderly people.