28th #eHealth2023 – International Conference - Human oriented approach in eHealth and digital services
Suomen Telelääketieteen ja e-Health seura ja Laurea järjestävät lokakuussa kansainvälisen konferenssin, jonka tavoitteena on koota toimijat aiheen ääreltä yhteen. Jos olet kiinnostunut digitaalisesta terveydenhuollon kehityksestä ja ratkaisuista tämä on juuri oikea konferenssi sinulle.
Ilmoittaudu tästä
Perustiedot tapahtumasta
- Ajankohta: 12.-13.10.2023
- Paikka: Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Tikkurilan Campus, Ratatie 22
- Kohderyhmä: Terveydenhuollon arjen ammattilaiset, tekniikan ja palveluiden kehittäjät, tutkijat, opettajat sekä alan opiskelijat.
Kesätarjous 3.7. - 4.8., hinta 420€ + ALV 24%
- Normaalihinta 12.6-8.9.2023: 520 € + ALV 24%
- Normaalihinta Telemedicine ja eHealth seuran jäsenelle 12.6-8.9.2023: 490 € + ALV 24%
- Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun henkilökunta: 420 € + ALV 24%
- Lippu abstraktien erikoishakuun projektien esittämiseksi (6.8.2023 asti): 420€ + ALV 24%
- Opiskelijahinta: 85 € + ALV 24 % [ei sisällä iltatilaisuutta]
Suomen Telelääketieteen ja e-Health seura järjestää lokakuussa konferenssin, jonka tavoitteena on koota toimijat aiheen ääreltä yhteen. Konferenssissa käsitellään alla olevia teemoja ja tuodaan uusinta tietoa kansainvälisestä, pohjoismaisesta sekä kansallisesta digitaalisesta terveydenhuollon kehityksestä ja ratkaisuista.
Ohjelma on suunnattu niin terveydenhuollon arjen ammattilaisille kuin tekniikan ja palveluiden kehittäjille. Konferenssin työpajat tarjoavat näköalapaikan uusien ratkaisujen käytännön soveltamisesta terveydenhuoltoon ja ihmisten arkeen. Kohtauspaikkana seminaari tarjoaa tuoretta tietoa niin lääkäreille, hoitohenkilökunnalle kuin hallinnosta, suunnittelusta ja koulutuksesta vastaaville. Konferenssi sisältää englanninkielisen ja suomenkielisen rinnakkaisohjelman.
Tapahtuman teemat
Teemat - suomenkielinen | Teemat - englanninkielinen |
Sustainable digital services | Sustainable digital services |
Etäpalvelut käytännön työssä | Reform of Healthcare, Social welfare and Rescue Services in Finland - year 2024 |
Digitaaliset palvelupolut | Diversity of AI |
Haavoittuvat ryhmät | European Legislation and Regulation |
Yhtenäinen terveys - OneHealth | Data Security and Protection |
Co-creation workshops | Co-creation workshops |
Future visions of digital health and welfare |
Torstai 12.10.2023
Time Event 10.00 Exhibition registration opens
Laurea Tikkurila, Helsinki region
Exhibitors can start at exhibition area11.30 Participant registration opens
Laurea Tikkurila, Helsinki regionCoffee and savory snack available
Session 1 (1st floor): Sustainable digital services
Chair: President Outi Ahonen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth
Time Event 13.00 Conference Opening Words
Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth opening words / President Outi Ahonen, FSTeH
Mari Vuolteenaho, Vice President (Research, Development and Innovation) at Laurea University of Applied Sciences13.15 Ilkka Winblad Honorary Lecture: Digital health and sustainability transition of the health sector
Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser at DG CONNECT, European Commission13.40 Finnish success story In Digital Health - Empowering citizens
Riikka Vuokko, PhD, Senior advisor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland14.00 Vision 2030 for the growth and competitiveness of the Finnish health sector
Petri Lehto, leading specialist, SITRA14.20 Delivery of Finnish National eHealth Awards 14.30
15.15Networking break, coffee and refreshments (served on 1st and 3rd floor), exhibition and posters Session 2A (1st floor): Reform of Healthcare, Social welfare and Rescue Services in Finland - year 2024
Chair Vesa Jormanainen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth
Time Event 15.15 Reflection of Starting a Wellbeing Service County
Marina Erhola, Director of Wellbeing County Pirha15.30 Implementation of ORPHAcodes for coding of rare diseases in Finland
Satu Wedenoja, Senior Medical Officer, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare15.45 Adapting Information Systems in a Wellbeing Service County
Risto Mäkinen, Savoa Partners Oy16.00 Scientific rapid presentations (1-3)
O-1 Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) as an outcome measure in Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for anxiety disorders;
Boris Karpov, Jari Lipsanen, Ville Ritola, Paula Laizane, Grigori Joffe
O-2 Primary care physicians’ experiences on video and online chat consultations - a qualitative descriptive study;
Kaisa Kujansivu, Elina Tolvanen, Mervi Kautto, Tuomas H. Koskela
O-3 Managing tensions and paradoxes between stakeholders in MyData health ecosystem;
Fan Wang, Pasi Karppinen, Petri Ahokangas
16.15 Corporate presentation (1-3)
17.00Networking break, coffee and refreshments (served on 1st and 3rd floor), exhibition and posters Session 2B (3rd floor): Etäpalvelut käytännön työssä
Puheenjohtaja: Aleksi Schrey, Ylilääkäri, YTHS
Time Event 15.15 Toteutuuko hoidon jatkuvuus
Juha Auvinen, Professori, Oulun yliopisto15.30 Eettisyys ja laatu
Riitta Luoto, ryhmäpäällikkö, ylilääkäri, tutkimusyksikkö, Kela15.45 Etävastaanoton parhaat käytännöt " Käypä" etävastaanotto
Aleksi Schrey, Digitaaliset palvelut, ylilääkäri Chief Medical Officer (Digital health) at Finnish Student Health Service, YTHS16.00 Scientific rapid presentations (4-6)
O-4 Tailored 3D Breast Models for Microwave Based Breast Tumor Monitoring/Detection Applications Scientific rapid presentation;
Mariella Särestöniemi, Jarmo Reponen, Teemu Myllylä
O-5 The use of digital occupational health services : Perspective of employer clients;
Sari Nissinen, Sanna Pesonen, Pauliina Toivio, Erja Sormunen
O-6 Impact and user behaviour of digital service for headache in specialized care;
Salla Strand, Louna Koponen, Hanna Harno, Laura Mäkitie
16.15 Corporate presentations (4-6)
Savoa Partners
17.00Networking break, coffee and refreshments (served on 1st and 3rd floor), exhibition and posters Session 3A (1st floor): Diversity of AI
Chair: Jarmo Reponen, Professor, University of Oulu
Time Event 17.00 How AI effects in patient - physician relationship
Joni Komulainen, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health17.20 AI in Health Care Education
Mikko Myllymäki, Senior lecturer, Savonia University of Applied sciences17.40 How AI is supporting Health Professionals in Radiology?
Jussi Hirvonen, Professor, Clinical Medicine, Tampere University18.00 Crossborder Care and Data Transfer
Peeter Ross, MD, Ph.D., is a professor of e-health and the head of eMedLab of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia18.15 Scientific rapid presentations (7-8)
O-7 Remote monitoring and predictive machine learing models in Parkinson's disease;
Laura Mäkitie, Maija Koivu, Veera Itälinna, Joonas Niskala, Eleonora Fiorenza, Luca Weis
O-8 An interactive web-based family intervention to promote cardiovascular health after preeclampsia (FINNCARE-study);
Anni Kivelä, Michelle Renlund, Seppo Heinonen, Minna Aittasalo, Taisto Sarkola, Hannele Laivuori, Tiina Jääskeläinen
18.25 Corporate presentations (7)
HAMK Smart18.30 End of Day 1 sessions, accommodations 19.30
Tulisuudelma Restaurant at Sokos Hotel VantaaSession 3B (3rd floor): Digitaaliset palvelupolut
Puheenjohtaja: Liisa Klemola, Savonia ammattikorkeakoulu
Time Event 17.00 Kansalliset digitaaliset palvelut
Jaana Kotila, kehittämispäällikkö HUS,
Leena Soininen, Chief Medical Officer, DigiFinland17.15 Digitaalinen palvelupolku osana hyvinvointialueen monikanavaista palvelua
Merja Tepponen, terveystieteiden tohtori, Lappeenranta17.30 Terveyskylän digipolku osana uniapneapotilaiden palvelupolkua
Jari Haverinen, erikoissuunnittelija FinCCHTA, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue17.45 Tutkimus mielenterveyden hoitopoluista työterveyshuollossa koneoppimismenetelmiä hyödyntäen
Pekka Varje, Tutkimuspäällikkö, Työterveyslaitos18.00 Scientific rapid presentations (9-12)
O-9 Telephone Consultation as a sustainable method of service delivery in occupational medicine: results of a qualitative study;
Abigail O’Reilly, Conor Loftus, Hemal Thakore
O-10 Healthcare professionals’ digital health competence profiles and associated factors;a cross-sectional study;
Erika Jarva, Anne Oikarinen, Janicke Andersson, Kristina Mikkonen
O-11 The extent and impact of digital services in healthcare and social welfare - An umbrella review;
Sanna Lakoma, Henna Härkönen, Anastasiya Verho,Paulus Torkki, Riikka-Leena Leskelä, Paula Pennanen, Miia Jansson
O-12 HEI co-creating a service ecosystem for supporting digitalization in health and welfare;
Hannu Tikkanen, Outi Ahonen, Ruusa Ligthart, Anna Salmi18.20 Corporate presentations (8-9)
Hublet19.00 End of Day 1 sessions, accommodations 19.30
Tulisuudelma Restaurant at Sokos Hotel Vantaa -
Perjantai 13.10.2023
Session 4A (1st floor) - European legislation and regulation
Chair Anna Salmi, Laurea University of Applied SciencesTime Event 9.00 What does European Health Data Space bring to us?
Markus Kalliola, Project director, SITRA9.15 Fin-OMOP Common Data Model at Auria Clinical Informatics
Arho Virkki, Chief Analytics Officer, Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland9.30 Research cooperation in Europe and beyond
Kimmo Porkka, M.D, Ph.D. is a professor of clinical hematology at the University of Helsinki, clinical position at HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center Hematology Research Unit Helsinki9.45 Scientific rapid presentations (13-18)
O-13 Participation and social inclusion through intelligent clothing – from handcrafted designs to tools supporting an individual’s everyday life;
Tiina Vuohijoki, Tiina Ihalainen, Sari Merilampi, Johanna Virkki
O-14 Effects of educational intervention on competence in digital well-being among professionals;
Mimmi Saarinen, Krista Hylkilä, Aino Peltonen, Riina Jämsä, Sanna Tiuraniemi, Niko Männikkö, Merja Männistö, Johanna Jylhä-Ollila, Maria Kääriäinen
O-15 Students’ evaluation of capabilities acquired in the Specialization Education in Digital Health and Social Care Services and their application in working life;
Päivi Sanerma, Anna Rauha, Hanna Naakka, Outi Ahonen
O-16 Remote joint negotiation in supporting employee's ability to work -Enablers and challenges in the implementation of online meetings;
Sanna Pesonen, Inka Koskela, Pirjo Juvonen-Posti, Erja Sormunen
O-17 Reverse mentoring in developing the digital competences of health care professionals;
Merja Männistö
O-18 Digital competence and health literacy for those at risk of type 2 diabetes;
Elisa Airikkala, Mari Laaksonen
10.15 Corporate presentations (10-12)
11.00Networking break, coffee, refreshments, and exhibitions & poster session Session 4B (3rd floor): Haavoittuvat ryhmät
Chair: Soile Juujärvi, yliopettaja, Laurea
Time Event 9.00 Väestökyselyn tarjoama näkymä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon digitaalisten palveluiden käyttöön: ketkä jäävät ulkopuolelle?
Maiju Kyytsönen, sh, TtM, väitöskirjatutkija, Digitaalisen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon seuranta, Palvelujärjestelmän tutkimus -tiimi
Hyvinvointivaltion tutkimus ja uudistaminen -yksikkö, THL9.15 Kanssa- ja puolesta asioinnin ammatilliset ja eettiset haasteet digitaalisissa sote-palveluissa
Piia Silvennoinen, yliopettaja, Laurea9.30 Mielenterveyden ongelmat ja niiden vaikutus digitaalisten sote-palveluiden käyttöön
Birgitta Tetri, asiantuntija, Laurea9.45 Videopuheluiden käyttö ikääntyneiden hoivatyössä
Ville Mustola, väitöskirjatutkija, CoE AgeCare, Jyväskylän yliopisto10.00 Scientific rapid presentations (19-21)
O-19 Work Ability Data Management in Multisectoral Services for People with Disabilities;
Sari Nissinen, Erja Sormunen, Nina Nevala
O-20 Registered nurses’ assessments of a health / client information system after implementation;
Maiju Kyytsönen, Anu Kaihlanen, Kaija Saranto, Ulla-Mari Kinnunen, Tuulikki Vehko
O-21 Nurses Advancing Telehealth;
Claudia C Bartz
10.15 Corporate presentations (13-15)
11.00Networking break, coffee, refreshments, and exhibitions & poster session Session 5A (1st floor): Data Security and Protection
Chair: Paresh Rathod, senior lecturer, Laurea UAS
Time Event 11.00 The current cyber security issues in health and social care in 2023
Petri Tolonen Cyber Security Specialist, KPMG Oy11.15 Resilience Management Framework for Critical Information Infrastructure:
Designing the Level of Trust that Encourages the Exchange of Health Data
Jyri Rajamäki, Principal Lecturer, Laurea UAS11.30 Scientific rapid presentations (22-24)
O-22 Factors associated with information security awareness among physicians and registered nurses: A comparative cross-sectional study;
Emma Kainiemi, Tarja Heponiemi, Jarmo Reponen, Kaija Saranto, Tinja Lääveri, Tuulikki Vehko
O-23 Assessing Information and Cybersecurity Training Needs among Social- and Healthcare Professionals;
Tiina Blek, Jaana Mäkelä, Tytti Solankallio-Vahteri
O-24 E-leadership in nursing – a systematic review;
Vanesa Numanovic, Julia Jacobsson
11.45 Corborate presentation (16)
12.00Proceed to workshops Session 5B (3rd floor): Yhtenäinen terveys (OneHealth)
Chair: Paula Veikkolainen, LL, DI, Oulun Yliopisto
Time Event 11.00 One Health ja eläinterveydenhuollon digitalisaatio
Eva Kaisti, Veterinarian, Founder and CEO of vetsy® Oy and Veteva Oy11.15 Suun terveydenhuollon rekisteritieto ja tiedon hyödyntäminen
Ulla Harjunmaa, Chief dentist at Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)11.30 Scientific rapid presentations (25-27)
O-25 Dental selfies for e-assessment of oral diseases;
Katri Kukkola, Elina Väyrynen, Saujanya Karki, Laura Pentti, Ville Kaikkonen, Eero Molkoselkä, Marja-Liisa Laitala
O-26 Attitudes and capabilities of medical students towards eHealth and digitalization: a comparative longitudinal study in 2016–2022;
Paula Veikkolainen, Timo Tuovinen, Erika Jarva, Jonna Juntunen, Petri Kulmala, Anna-Maria Tuomikoski, Merja Männistö, Jarmo Reponen
O-27 Registered Nurses assessments Kanta services in their perspective of their work;
Tuulikki Vehko
11.45 Corborate presentation (17)
12.00Proceed to workshops Session 6 (Classrooms at 3rd floor): Workshops
The workshops aim at providing participants deeper knowledge of eHealth and telemedicine product development in testbed environment. This is also opportunity for networking, discussion, and knowledge sharing.
Note: Language in the workshops is English if there is a non-Finnish speaker in the workshop.Chair: Workshop facilitators
Workshop agenda
Each workshop will start with a short introduction from the organizers. Each workshop will be hosted and facilitated with two or more experts on the topic and with the help of students from Laurea University of applied sciences.
Workshops will be facilitated by World Café Method which is a structured conversational process for knowledge sharing. Groups of people discuss a topic at small tables like those in a café. Some degree of facilitation and formality may be retained to make sure that everyone gets a chance to speak. Pre-defined questions have been agreed upon beforehand with the hosts, but the outcomes or solutions are not decided in advance.
Timetable for workshops:
12.00-12.10 Introductions and instructions for the workshop
12.15-12.30 Table 1 discussions
Switch tables
12.35-12.50 Table 2 discussions
12.50-13.00 Summary
Time Event 12.00 WS1: Regulation and ethical aspects of medical devices (Lääkinnällisiin laitteisiin liittyvä regulaatio ja eettisyyskysymykset)
Sandra Liede, Healthtech Finland/Terveysteknologia ry
Annika Takala, HUS, User point of viewQuestions in the workshops
WS2: Preventive digital tools for supporting healthcare workers wellbeing
Laura Tahvanainen, RDI Specialist Laurea UAS, Wellbeign to Healthcare ESF-project
Virtually participating: Dr Manon Truchon (Ph.D. in psychology), professor at the School of Psychology at Laval University, Quebec.
Virtually participating: Dr. Mahée Gilbert-Ouimet (Ph.D. in epidemiology), associate professor in population health, Department of Health Sciences, Université du Québec à Rimouski.Questions in the workshops
1. What should we do next with the data that the digital solutions are producing in terms of prediction?
2. How to enable employer participation/engagement in development processes?
WS3: International cocreation with testbeds
Katariina Rouvinen, Health Proof Helsinki
Riikka Paasikivi, Spinverse OyQuestions in the workshops
1. How can a company in testbed environment collect references in Finland before the globalization?
2. What are the experiences of companies within the HUS testbed about expanding from Finland to global markets?
WS4: Roadmap to transnational and interorganizational
collaboration among Health Care innovation ecosystems (Enoll)
Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis MSc, PhD Medical Informatics Electronics Engineering European Living Lab Network)
Teemu Santonen, Principal lecturer, Laurea UASQuestions in the workshops
WS 5: What testbeds can offer and what is needed from the companies? (Mitä tesbedit tarjoavat ja mitä yrityksiltä vaaditaan? Minkälaisia asioita yrityksen tulee huomioida tuodessaan yrityksensä tuotteen testbed ympäristöön.)
Mervi Vähätalo, coordinator of Satakunta Testbed
Niina Holappa, project manager, Satakunta Testbed, Prizztech OyQuestions in the workshops
1. How should the testbed services be developed from companies' point of view?
2. What kind of co-operation would be beneficial for wellbeing and health technology to be adapted to the field?
13-14.00 Lunch at Laurea Restaurant (1st floor) Session 7 (1st floor): Future Visions (of Digital Health and Welfare)
Chair: President Outi Ahonen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth
Time Event 14.00 Population Health and Preventive Care
Ilkka Kunnamo, Editor in Chief, EBM Guidelines and Development Director, Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd/EBMEDS14.20 AI standardisation related to health informatic
Alpo Värri, Research Director, Tampere University14.45 Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth closing words
President Outi Ahonen, FTeHS
Torstai 12.10.
Outi Ahonen
PhD, Principal Lecturer, President of the Telemedicine and eHealth, Laurea University of applied sciences
Outi Ahonen, PhD of Health and Human Services Informatics, MHSc, RN works a as principal lecturer in master’s degree Digital unit at Laurea University of Applied Science (UAS). She coordinates the research theme of digitalization and information management in society. Her main research interest is multidisciplinary competences in developing digital services in eHealth and welfare. She has been the project manager in many projects, which developed digital competencies. In addition to teaching, currently she manages two projects: firstly, the EU funded project Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector creating the new international master studies related to the digital transformation in the health sector and secondly the UUDO project, creating special education to eHealth and Welfare Services, together with the 14 universities of applied sciences. She is the first female President of Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH). She has been twice the chair of expert the team building the National eHealth Strategy for the Finnish Nursing Association. The strategy guides and supports nurses in digital nursing work.
Mari Vuolteenaho
Vice President, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Mari Vuolteenaho works as Vice President for Research, Development and Innovations at Laurea University of Applied Sciences. She is based in Vantaa, Finland. She holds a Doctor of Science (Technology) degree from Helsinki University of Technology, current Aalto University, in the field of engineering physics. She has previously worked for VTI Technologies, current Murata, and Aalto University as the Head of Research and Innovation Services. Her current goal is to boost the volume and impact of research and development at Laurea.
Ilias Iakovidis
PhD, Adviser, Digital aspect of green transition, European Commission, DG CONNECT
Ilias works on maximising the positive impact of digitalisation on the green transition. He has initiated the European Green Digital Coalition (EGDC) whose members have committed to work on science-based methods to estimate the net environmental impact of digital solutions and on guidelines for green digital transformation in different sectors (energy, transport, construction, agriculture, etc). He manages the European Parliament Pilot project that supports the work of EGDC. Ilias works also on the Digital Product Passport as introduced in the Eco-design for Sustainable Product Regulation and co-manages the EU project CIRPASS. The aim is to accelerate the transition circular economy through digitally enabled sustainable business models (e.g. product as a service).
Before 2017 Ilias has contributed to the EU Agenda of eHealth and ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing for over 20 years. Areas he pioneered include digitally supported Integrated Care, 'Virtual Physiological Human', Personal Health Systems and Electronic Health Records.Petri Lehto
Senior Lead, Sitra
Petri is an innovation and research policy expert having a wide work experience in the field in various leading positions. Petri has an extensive background from Government policy making having led as a director the Finnish innovation policies for several years at the Ministry of Economy and Employment. After the Ministry, Petri moved to work for a global pharmaceutical company where he led the company’s policy and communications work as a director. As part of that work, he chaired for several years the Finnish Pharmaceutical Industry Association’s committee work on innovation and research and also served as a Member of the Associations’s Board. Currently, Petri works as a Senior Lead at Sitra where his work centers around health data. Petri also works for the University of Helsinki as a Development Director where he is currently collaborating on a project which intends to establish a precision cancer care R&D ecosystem in Finland. Lately, Petri has also worked for FINBB, the Finnish Biobank Cooperative, where his role has been to strengthen the sustainability of Finnish biobanks. By education, Petri is an economist having earned his Ph.D. from University of Turku and his Master’s degree from the Johns Hopkins University in the USA.
Marina Erhola
County Chief Executive, MD, PhD, MQI, Pirkanmaa wellbeing services county
MD, PhD, MQI, specialist on respiratory diseases
A few examples of professional experience:
- Managing Director, Joint Municipality of Public Health Services in the Hämeenlinna Region
- Deputy Director General & Assistant Director General, National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
- CEO, Päijät-Häme Joint Authority & County Chief Executive, Päijät-Häme wellbeing services county
- Various positions in the World Health Organisation (WHO)
- International positions in Nicaragua, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, Libya, El Salvador, Romania, Armenia, Russia, EstoniaSatu Wedenoja
MD, PhD, Senior Medical Officer at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Satu Wedenoja, MD, PhD, works as a Senior Medical Officer at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Her field of specialty is obstetrics and gynecology. Wedenoja, together with her team, is responsible for the coordination of rare diseases in Finland. This task involves both national and international projects and collaboration in the field of rare diseases. Major aims of the national coordination team include implementation of ORPHAcodes into electronic patient report systems and specialized care in Finland. Precise coding of rare diseases using ORPHAcodes allows epidemiological analyses and data gathering. The implementation of the ORPHAcodes is therefore a huge leap towards better diagnostics and treatment of rare diseases and a national knowledge base.
Risto Mäkinen
CEO, Savoa Partners Oy
Risto ei ole toipunut 17 vuoden urasta käytännön lääkärinä perusterveydenhuollossa ja vuonna 1981 kokemastaan Terveysportin vision esittelystä. Ratkaistavana on edelleen potilaan hoitoonpääsy ja tarkoituksenmukainen hoito, sekä sähköisten välineiden järkevä hyödyntäminen.
Päätoiminen kehittämistyö kenttäolosuhteissa kansallisesti antoi kuvan perus- ja erikoistason toimintamalleista ja edellytyksistä; viisi vuotta rakentamassa astmahoitajaverkostoa Filha ry:ssä ja viisi vuotta kehittäjäosaajia STM:n Rohto-keskuksessa. Kahdeksan vuotta johtajalääkäriyttä Hämeenlinnan ja Helsingin perusterveydenhuollossa toi kuvan uudistamisen johtamisesta.
Hämeenlinnassa rakennettiin Sitran rahoituksella Duodecimin kanssa EHR-integroidut oirearvioalgoritmit ja sähköinen terveystarkastus, ja uudistettiin terveyskeskuksen palvelukonsepti. Savoa Partners Oy on vuodesta 2017 jatkanut samalla polulla: sote-keskus saadaan jonottomaksi ja vaikuttavaksi, kunhan hoito alkaa heti, yksi ammattilainen koordinoi sen toteutuksen valmiiksi saakka moniammatillisen tiimin tuella, yhteydenotto on oletusarvoisesti sähköinen ja hoito etänä, sekä kansansairauksien hoito painottuu etiolologisiin tekijöihön eikä seurauksiin. Johtaminen perustuu asetettujen tavoitteiden systemaattiseen seurantaan tiedolla johtamisen välinen.
Tämän toteutus tulee kuvatuksi alustuksessanikin.Juha Auvinen
Juha Auvinen, MD, PhD, professor of general practice, University of Oulu
Juha Auvinen, MD, PhD is a professor of general practice in University of Oulu and Wellbeing Services County of North Ostrobothnia. He is responsible for Medical education in the University of Oulu and director of Research Unit of Population Health. His research work is focused on clinical epidemiology, multimorbidity and continuity of care. He has also actively work with national guidelines and recommendations of primary health care models and general practice. He is a chair of the Finnish Association of General Practice and board member of the Nordic Federation of General Practice.
Riitta Luoto
Ylilääkäri, Kela, tutkimusyksikkö
Riitta Luoto työskentelee ylilääkärinä Kelan tutkimusyksikössä, erityisalueenaan terveysperusteisiin etuuksiin ja työterveyshuoltoon liittyvät tutkimus- ja selvityshankkeet. Luoto on koulutukseltaan työterveyshuollon ja terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri, epidemiologian dosentti ja SoTeMBA. Lisäksi hänellä on terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan ja vakuutuslääketieteen erityispätevyydet. Lisätietoja Kelan tutkimusyksikön tietotarjottimesta: Riitta Luoto | Kelan tietotarjotin
Aleksi Schrey
Digitaalisten palveluiden ylilääkäri, Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiö (YTHS)
Aleksi Schrey toimii Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiössä (YTHS) digitaalisten palvelujen ylilääkärinä, tietosuojavastaavana ja potilastietojärjestelmän vastaavana lääkärinä. YTHS:ssä hoidetaan yli 60 % opiskelijoiden reilusta puolesta miljoonasta vuosittaisesta käynnistä etäyhteyksiä hyödyntäen.Terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan erityispätevyys 2022. STeHS hallituksen jäsen vuodesta 2022. Digitaalisista palveluista kiinnostunut osana monikanavaista palvelua. Osa asioista voidaan hoitaa etänä myös ensikontaktissa, osa asioista kaipaa hoidon jatkuvuutta vaikuttavuuden parantamiseksi. Digital tools and services provided efficiently with high quality as will be an essential part of multichannel services fulfilling further demands required by the health care sector and legislation. Presentation gives practical hints and tips for remote appointments and is part of the session focusing on quality and continuity of the treatment provided digitally.
Merja Mustonen
Joni Komulainen
Senior Ministerial Advisor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
Joni Komulainen has been a social affairs and healthcare and eHealth lawyer for more than 20 years working for the Department of Social and Healthcare in the city of Helsinki, the Finnish Institute for health and welfare (THL) and since 2018 as a senior ministerial adviser in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland. Mr. Komulainen has been involved in EU level eHealth legal law work and Finnish laws including The Act on the secondary use of social and health data, the former and the new revised Act on the processing of social and healthcare data, Covid-related legislations, European health data space regulations, eHMSEG legal work group, CDBIO AI drafting group and the data protection part on the large scale social and healthcare reform.
Mikko Myllymäki
Development Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Mikko Myllymäki, MSc, currently serves as the Development Manager at Savonia University of Applied Sciences. His career started with over 10 years of intensive care nursing, which informs his work in nursing education. Mikko served as a Senior Lecturer at Savonia for five years before assuming his current role. His specialty is digital pedagogy solutions, with a particular emphasis on the use of virtual reality. As a forward-thinking professional, Mikko regularly shares his visions for the future of healthcare education. His interest in artificial intelligence has led him to explore its potential for higher education, and he has become an active advocate for AI-powered healthcare education.
Jussi Hirvonen
Professor of Radiology, Tampere University, Finland
I currently serve as a Professor of Radiology at Tampere University, Finland, and as a neuroradiologist and head & neck radiologist at Turku University Hospital, Finland. I received my MD and PhD degrees from the University of Turku, Finland, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship on molecular brain imaging at the National Institutes of Health, MD, USA. I have completed European Diplomas in Neuroradiology (EDiNR) and Head and Neck Radiology (EBiHNR). My research interests relate to advanced MRI techniques in head and neck radiology, emergency radiology, artificial intelligence, and neuropsychiatric brain imaging.
Peeter Ross
MD, Ph.D., professor of e-health and the head of eMedLab, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia
Peeter Ross, MD, Ph.D., is a professor of e-health and the head of eMedLab of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia. Dr. Ross has previously been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Estonian E-Health Foundation and Estonian Health Insurance Fund. Peeter has advised on the design and implementation of large-scale e-health projects in more than 20 countries around the world and has been involved in several EU-funded healthcare innovation projects. He has actively participated in designing and implementing the Estonian nationwide Health Information System. His areas of expertise are health care and social care policy implementation, innovation and use of digital applications in the health domain, and the use of e-services in diagnostic and treatment processes in health care.
Jaana Kotila
RN, MNsc, Development Manager at Helsinki University Hospital
Jaana Kotila, RN, MNsc, a Development Manager at Helsinki University Hospital. I am an experienced developer and educator in the area of Nursing, digitalisation, lean management and nurses' professional interventions. I have also taken part in developing advance practice model in Finland. I have published numerous articles in professional journals and several conference's abstracts. I am currently a Board Member of Finnish Nurses Association.
Leena Soininen
Chief Medical Officer and head of business unit (digital services), DigiFinland Oy
I work as Chief Medical Officer and head of business unit (digital services) in DigiFinland Oy, which develops, maintains and provides national digital services that improve the productivity and effectiveness of healthcare and social welfare services, rescue services and other sectors. Our flagship service is Omaolo, which is an CE-marked electronic service channel for social welfare, health care and oral health care, which supports self-service in personal care and directs the patient to appropriate assistance if necessary. My personal background is in intensive care and in Helsinki University hospital, where I completed my PhD and got my specialist license.
Merja Tepponen
Doc. Sci (Health and Social Care), Social- and Health Care Development Specialist, Former Chief Development Officer South Karelia Social and Health Care District Eksote and Wellbeing services county of South Karelia
Merja Tepponen currently works as a Social and Health Care Development Specialist. Previously she has worked as Chief Development Officer in South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) and Wellbeing services county of South Karelia until she retired in the summer of 2023.
Priviosly she is responsible for management portfolio of Eksote’s strategic development projects and she was responsible too for the implementation of the health and social services reform in South Karelia. The health and social services reform will restructure the organisation of public healthcare and social welfare in Finland. Rescue services will also be restructured as part of the reform. After the reform, there will be 21 new wellbeing services counties in Finland. In addition, the City of Helsinki will organise its own health, social and rescue services. Wellbeing services county of South Karelia is one of these wellbeing services county. The wellbeing services counties is responsibility for organising services and they started operating on 1 January 2023.
Before that she has worked as a Director of Elderly Services (Social and health care) in city of Lappeenranta and Eksote. In 2016 – 2018 she has worked part time as an Agent of Change in Government Key Project: “Home care for older people will be developed and informal care enhanced in all age groups”. The work of the agents of change will result in a written action plan approved by the regional stakeholders. The action plan lays down how the services for older people will be integrated in the county.
Dr. Tepponen has specialized in the management and intensive development of services for the elderly. His dissertation focused on the integration and quality of home care for the elderly. She has planned, led and managed several large development projects as well as confidential positions as a member of various advisory boards and steering groups. She has been involved in writing various articles that have focused especially on themes such as the development of care for the elderly and the integration of social and health care.
Doctor Tepponen has done her postgraduate studies in the field of social and health care management in University of Eastern Finland. Her doctoral thesis focused on the integration and quality of elderly home care. She has been a co-author in various articles focused especially on themes such as developing elderly care and integration of social and health care. Mrs. Tepponen has planned, lead and been in charge of several extensive development projects. She has also had confidential posts as a member of different advisory boards and steering groups in the field of social and health care.Jari Haverinen
Senior Planning Officer, FinCCHTA
Mr. Jari Haverinen, received his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (1999) and M.H.Sc. (2018) degrees from the University of Oulu, Finland. He has 18 years background in the telecoms industry before his career in digital health field. His current job role is Senior Planning Officer in the Finnish Coordinating Center for Health Technology Assessment (FinCCHTA). His main responsibility in FinCCHTA is the Digi-HTA assessment process that has been developed to perform health technology assessments (HTA) for novel digital healthcare technologies such as mobile apps, AI and robotics. He is also a Doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Oulu, where his research area is the development of new HTA methods for digital health solutions as well as eHealth research.
Pekka Varje
Tutkimuspäällikkö, työterveyslaitos
Pekka Varje, PhD, works as a Research Manager at the Work Ability and Work Careers -department of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. In this position he promotes population-level research on occupational health and work ability. His own research area includes topics related to the mental health, and in his research projects he has aimed at developing machine-learning -based approaches to the data-driven analysis of mental health and the occupational health care. Additionally, Varje leads the visualization and open publishing of data and research findings in the Work-Life Knowledge Service. Varje has a background in history and in his doctoral thesis he analyzed the changing role of emotions and personality in Finnish work life during the post World War II -era. FT Pekka Varje työskentelee tutkimuspäällikkönä Työterveyslaitoksella Työkyky ja työurat -salkussa. Tutkimuspäällikön tehtävässä hän edistää työterveyteen ja työkykyyn liittyvää väestötason tutkimusta. Hänen oma tutkimusalueensa keskittyy ennen kaikkea mielenterveyteen ja johtamissaan hankkeissa hän on pyrkinyt valjastamaan koneoppimisen menetelmät työväestön mielenterveyden sekä työterveyshuollon toiminnan aineistolähtöiseen tutkimukseen. Lisäksi Varje johtaa työelämään liittyvän tiedon visualisointia ja avointa julkaisua Työelämätieto-palvelussa. Varje on väitellyt Suomen ja Pohjoismaiden historiasta vuonna 2018 ja hänen väitöskirjansa liittyi työntekijöiden tunteiden ja persoonan muuttuvaan roolin suomalaisessa työelämässä.
Perjantai 13.10.
Markus Kalliola
Project director, The Finnish innovation fund Sitra, Finland
Markus Kalliola is the project director in Health data 2030 project in The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and the coordinator of Joint Action Towards The European Health Data Space (TEHDAS). Prior to Sitra he worked in the European Commission in DG Health and food safety where he was responsible of the cross-border healthcare IT projects. Mr. Kalliola has vast experience in data economy and in the next years he will work towards healthier and fairer data economy for Europe as well as towards more competitive health data ecosystem in Finland. Mr. Kalliola holds a positions of trust in · HMA-EMA joint big data steering group, · HMA-EMA Darwin EU advisory board · DNV Digital health advisory board · EDAH advisory board · HealthHub Finland EDIH advisory board · Steering group for the secondary use of health data in Finland
Arho Virkki
Chief Analytics Officer, Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Arho Virkki, PhD, MSc(Tech) works as Chief Analytics Officer at the Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Turku. His research interests include statistical disclosure control, data mining and mathematical modeling for decision support. At Auria Clinical Informatics, his key goals include providing researchers and specialists with high-quality patient data in pseudonymized or anonymized format to facilitate the development of data-driven approaches for precision medicine.
Kimmo Porkka
M.D, Ph.D., University of Helsinki
Kimmo Porkka M.D, Ph.D. is a professor of clinical hematology at the University of Helsinki and his current clinical position is Head of the Department of Hematology at the Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center in Finland.
Dr. Porkka received his medical degrees at the Universities of Turku and Helsinki in Finland. He has received clinical training in oncology, internal medicine and hematology.
Dr. Porkka's research experience includes clinical epidemiology, clinical cancer research, human molecular genetics (genetic mapping of complex diseases), basic and applied cancer research on characterization of leukemia-specific proteins and ligands (post-doctoral visit at the Burnham Institute, La Jolla, USA).
Dr. Porkka's current research interests relate to molecularly targeted therapies and immunotherapy of hematological malignancies. He has been the principal investigator in >40 Phase I-III clinical drug trials (academic and company-sponsored) on acute and chronic leukemias and performed closely linked translational science projects focusing on predictive biomarker discovery. He focuses on individualized therapy of relapsed acute leukemia and particularly interested in applying novel computational tools for integration and harmonization of deep disease profiling and clinical datasets residing in hospital datalakes for machine-assisted diagnostics, treatment selection and clinical trial matching.
Dr. Porkka is the founding principal investigator in the Finnish Hematology Registry and Biobank (FHRB; fhrb.fi) 2008-2022, which is a national, population-based registry and biobanking effort. He is the past chairman of the Finnish Hematology Association.
Dr. Porkka is an active member of the European Hematology Association (EHA), served in the EHA Board and Executive Board 2015-2022. He was the chair of the scientific program committee for the EHA annual meeting in 2020.
Prof. Porkka has more than 150 original publications in international peer reviewed journals, such as New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Genetics, Cancer Discovery, PNAS, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Blood, and LeukemiaMaiju Kyytsönen
sh, TtM, väitöskirjatutkija, THL, Digitaalisen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon seuranta, Palvelujärjestelmän tutkimus -tiimi, Hyvinvointivaltion tutkimus ja uudistaminen -yksikkö
Monitoring digital social welfare and health care from the perspectives of the population as well the professionals and service system is her work at Finnish institute for health and welfare. Acts as a doctoral researcher at University of Eastern Finland focussing on the information security skills and privacy concerns of the population and how they are associated with digital social welfare and health care service use.
Piia Silvennoinen
Dosentti, YTT, Yliopettaja, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu
Piia Silvennoinen, dosentti, YTT työskentelee yliopettajana Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulussa. Hän toimii vastuuopettaja Johtaminen ja kehittäminen sosiaali- ja terveysalan muutoksessa YAMK-koulutuksessa. Tällä hetkellä Piia toimii myös tutkijana ja kehittäjänä kahdessa digitalisaatioon liittyvässä hankkeessa: Digionnea Kaikille -hankkeessa (2021-2023, rahoittaja Euroopan Sosiaalirahasto) ja DigiIN-hankkeessa (2019-2025, rahoittaja Suomen Akatemian Strateginen tutkimusneuvosto). Piia on tutkinut sote-ammattilaisten osaamista ja haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien asiakkaiden digitaalista toimijuutta. Häntä kiinnostaa digisyrjäytymisen ehkäisy yksilöllisellä ja yhteiskunnallisella tasolla.
Birgitta Tetri
R&D Specialist, M.HSc, Laurea University of applied sciences
Birgitta Tetri is a R&D specialist at Laurea University of Applied Sciences. She is currently working in projects related to digital competencies among vulnerable groups. Her background is in health care and before joining Laurea UAS she worked as nurse manager in Helsinki University Hospital at medical ward.
Ville Mustola
YTM, väitöskirjatutkija, Jyväskylän yliopisto
YTM Ville Mustola työskentelee väitöskirjatutkijana Suomen Akatemian rahoittamassa Ikääntymisen ja hoivan tutkimuksen huippuyksikössä (CoE AgeCare) Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Hänen väitöskirjansa käsittelee videopuheluiden käyttöä ikääntyneiden hoivassa hoivatyöntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Hänellä on maisterin tutkinto yhteiskuntapolitiikan oppiaineesta sekä laaja työkokemus sairaanhoitajana eri sosiaali- ja terveydenhoitoalojen sektoreilta.
MSc Ville Mustola works as a doctoral researcher in the Centre of Excellence of Age and Care, funded by the Academy of Finland, at the University of Jyväskylä. His PhD research focuses on the use of videoconferencing in care of older people from care workers’ perspective. He has master’s degree from Social and Public Policy and a wide variety of work experience as a nurse from different fields of social services and healthcare.
Petri Tolonen
Cyber Security Specialist, M.HSc, KPMG Oy
Petri Tolonen, has had a long career in information technology, information systems and information security. In the early stages of his career, he worked as an application developer and database specialist. Later, he moved to project management positions, responsible for larger ICT projects. Petri has worked in the healthcare industry for 15 years, with interests in healthcare information security, function-specific criticality classification, eHealth and digital services. Petri works at KPMG Oy, responsible for healthcare cybersecurity services. Petri has a master's degree in health sciences.
Jyri Rajamäki
Principal Lecturer in Information Technology, Laurea University of applied sciences
Jyri Rajamäki is a Principal Lecturer in Information Technology at Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Adjunct Professor of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Cyber Security at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He holds D.Sc. degrees in electrical and communications engineering from the Helsinki University of Technology, and a PhD in mathematical information technology from the University of Jyväskylä. His current research interests are resilient cyber-physical systems and overall governance (generation, transmission, storage, processing, sharing, collective use, deletion) of safety-critical and/or classified information. Dr Rajamäki has authored more than 220 scientific publications.
Eva Kaisti
Veterinarian, Founder and CEO, vetsy® and Veteva Oy
Eläinlääkäri Eva Kaistilla on ainoana eläinlääkärinä maailmassa Terveydenhuollon Tietotekniikan Erityispätevyys. Lisäksi hän on suorittanut tarkastuseläinlääkärin sekä elintarvikehygieenikon erityispätevyydet.
Evan ura terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan saralla alkoi, kun hän 2018 luotasi projektipällikkönä Petmeddata-järjestelmän, lohkoketjupohjaisen ""Eläinten OmaKanta-järjestelmän"". Eva on perehtynyt eläinterveydenhuollon digitalisaatioon sekä etäeläinlääketieteeseen ja luennoinut aiheesta mm. Madridin eläinlääkäripäivillä 2019, Suomen eHealth konferenssissa 2021 sekä Suomen eläinlääkäripäivillä 2022. Evalla oli tieteellinen posteri 2022 eHealth konferenssissa aiheesta eläinlääkemääräykset etäklinikoilta.
Eva yritys Veteva Oy on jo 4,5 vuoden ajan tuottanut etäeläinlääkintäpalveluja ja sovelluskehittämistä. Edelleen Eva toimii ajoittain itsekin etäeläinlääkärinä ja omistaa Helsingissä oman pieneläinklinikan Vetsy, jossa tekee pieneläinpraktiikkaa.Ulla Harjunmaa
Chief dentist, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Ulla Harjunmaa works currently as Chief dentist at Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare. She is a dentist specialized in dental public health. She also holds PhD and MSc in health sciences (International Health). She has extensive experience in oral health research, public health development, University education and clinical dentistry in Finland and in several African and Asian countries. In her current position at Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, se is leading the expert teams that are developing the oral healthcare information structures and the national quality register for oral diseases treatment, that utilizes register data. She is also actively involved in national surveys and other research projects concerning oral health and diseases and oral health care systems
Ilkka Kunnamo
Alpo Värri
Tutkimusjohtaja/Research Director, Tampereen yliopisto/University of Tampere
Dr.Tech., Adjunct professor Alpo Värri is a research director in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology in Tampere University, Finland. His research and teaching have been related to pattern recognition applied to physiological signals. He has been involved in nationally and European Union funded projects in this domain since the end of the 1980’ies. He joined the technical committee TC251 Health Informatics of the European Committee of Standardisation in 1994. Later, he has participated health informatics standardisation in ISO/TC215, and IEEE 11073, too. He has also participated artificial intelligence standardisation in JTC1/SC42 and CEN&CENELEC/JTC21 having sometimes been the head of the Finnish delegation in some of these committees. His experience in standardisation has brought him educational tasks in the areas of health informatics standardisation and regulations in Tampere University.
Työpajojen vetäjät
Workshop 1 - Lääkinnällisiin laitteisiin liittyvä regulaatio ja eettisyyskysymysoikeudet
Sandra Liedes
Terveysteknologia ry
Sandra Liede is a Finnish lawyer with wide-ranging expertise and professional experience in delivering innovation-oriented and responsible solutions for the health industry, including medical devices, diagnostics and digital health.
Special expertise in public policy and regulatory issues of healthcare, medical devices (incl. software and artificial intelligence), health technology, genomics, biobanking, health data processing and governance.
Experienced in legislating and supervising biobanking and genomics as well as partnering with national & EU institutions and stakeholder groups. Responsible for representing & communicating industry positions and ensuring successful strategies & tactics to regulatory approaches.Annika Takala HUS, laitteiden käyttäjänäkökulma
MD, PhD, Associate professor, Senior Medical Officer, Medical Devices, Helsinki University Hospital
Workshop 2 - Preventive digital tools for supporting healthcare workers wellbeing
Pascal Beauchesne
Lead coordinator of the Wellbeing and Aging-in place E-Health innovation ecosystem of Québec – Numana
With a strong cross-sectoral network built by having held, over 20 years, several professional roles in the public-private sectors and innovation ecosystems, Pascal supports the key sectors of our economy as well as the research and territories in the important transitions of our era. Collectively working as an ecosystem we ensure the identification of structuring projects where industries, organizations and research are able to work hand in hand, to co-build bridges between the most unlikely sectors to be able to learn, collaborate, truly innovate. More concretely, Pascal's role is to ensure the culture of learning, impact and transformation within our social innovation & technology ecosystems in Quebec to help address the challenges in the framework of society & territorial health.
Virtually participating: Dr Manon Truchon
(Ph.D. in psychology), professor at the School of Psychology at Laval University, Quebec
She is a regular researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Research
in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS) of the Institute for
Rehabilitation in Physical Impairment of Quebec (IRDPQ). She is also a
member of the Institute of Applied Ethics (IDÉA) at Laval University and
of the Provincial Network for Research in Adaptation-Rehabilitation
(REPAR). Her teaching activities and research are in the field of occupational health psychology. Her research focuses on chronic disability prevention; stress, tools development, health and well-being at work; as well as psychosocial risk and protective factors at work.Virtually participating: Dr. Mahée Gilbert-Ouimet
(Ph.D. in epidemiology), associate professor in population health, Department of Health Sciences, Université du Québec à Rimouski
She holds the Canada Research Chair in Sex and Gender in Occupational
Health. She is also a regular researcher at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center and an adjoint scientist at the Institute for Work & Health in Toronto. Her research mainly focuses on the effects of psychosocial risks at work on the incidence of chronic health conditions, and on intervention studies aimed at reducing psychosocial risks at work. She also develops methods and recommendations that improve sex and gender considerations in health researchLaura Tahvanainen
RDI specialist at Laurea UAS, Wellbeign to Healthcare project
Laura is currently working as an RDI specialist at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Wellbeing to Healthcare - ESF-project. Main responsibility has been the development of the empowering chatbot during this project. Project manager for eHealth2023 Conference at Laurea UAS. Doctoral candidate in University of Lapland Faculty of Art and Design from 2023. Educational background is in the Service Business Management (MScHealthcare), Service design, lean coach and Dental hygienist (BDcHealthcare). Previous work experience from dental healthcare nursing manager position.
Workshop 3 - International cocreation with testbeds
Katariina Rouvinen
Health Proof Helsinki
Katariina Rouvinen is an experienced Development Manager with a long career at HUS Helsinki University Hospital. She has a degree in Master of Business Administration. Currently Katariina is working with company collaboration and co-creation. In the CleverHealth Network innovation ecosystem, Katariina promotes the development and commercialization of new ideas and needs from HUS clinicians to international markets. In Health Proof Helsinki, she coordinates testbed services in HUS.
Riikka Paasikivi
Senior Consultant in Spinverse Oy
Riikka Paasikivi is a Senior Consultant in Spinverse Oy with a long expertise in building and managing European innovation projects in the area of health and bioindustries. Riikka has worked with EU funding for over 30 years, and her aim is to creating innovations within public-private partnerships, building new ecosystems and facilitating business development. She works with the network of national Health testbeds, facilitating their collaboration and international activities.
Workshop 4 - Roadmap to transnational and interorganisational collaboration among Health Care innovation ecosystems (Enoll)
Teemu Santonen
Principal lecturer, Laurea UAS
Teemu Santonen, DSc (Econ.), is acting as a principal lecturer in the field of "Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS)" at the Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Finland. Prior to his academic career, Santonen worked for over a decade as a consultant and development manager in leading Finnish organizations in the financial, media, and ICT sectors. He is a scientific panel member of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management, a council member of the European Network of Living Labs, and a former board member of the Finnish Strategic Management Society. The Finnish Inventor Support Association has honored Santonen's novel crowdsourcing-based open innovation platform as the best school-related innovation in Finland. He is a patentee and has co-founded the first neuromarketing research company in Finland. As of today, he has published over 80 scientific papers. His research interests focus on various aspects related to "Innovation Management" and "Living Labs.
Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis
MSc, PhD Medical Informatics Electronics Engineering, European Living Lab Network
Workshop 5 - Mitä tesbedit tarjoavat ja mitä yrityksiltä vaaditaan? Minkälaisia asioita yrityksen tulee huomioida tuodessaan yrityksensä tuotteen testbed ympäristöön
Mervi Vähätalo
(D.Sc. Econ. & Bus. Adm., MNsc., RN) Senior lecturer, Satakunta University of applied sciences
Vähätalo has ca 10 years’ clinical experience from healthcare and 13 years from studying and teaching health and social services. Her research topics focus on organization of health and social services and welfare technology. She works as a coordinator of Satakunta Testbed in has conducted numerous R&D projects and tests with welfare technology companies.
Niina Holappa
Prizztech, Satakunta testbed
Niina Holappa works as a Project Manager in Prizztech Ltd which is a regional business development company in Pori, Satakunta. Niina has been working in Living Lab and Testbed projects over ten years and most recently in the Satakunta Tesbed project. The focus of the projects has been on user-driven health and welfare technology product development. Niina is currently developing The Health and Welfare Technology Directory Wenla which offers information of digital and technological solutions targeted to consumers as well as social and health care professionals. She has master’s degree in Welfare Technology.
Hyödyntäminen erityispätevyyteen
Konferenssista myönnetään 10 tuntia teoreettista koulutusta lääkäreiden ja hammaslääkäreiden terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan erityispätevyyteen.
Hinnasto ja peruutusehdot
Hinnasto ja peruutusehdot yritysnäyttelyyn osallistumiselle
A - Basic - Näytteilleasettajan paketti
1. Näyttelyalueen tila 4m2
2. Sähköt
3. Wifi - Laureasta
4. Yrityksen nimi ja kontaktitiedot konferenssijulkaisuun
5. Sisältää 5–8 min esityksen yrityksen innovaatiosta, ratkaisuista ja konsepteista session teemaan liittyen. (Huomioithan, että esityspaikkoja on rajallinen määrä ja ne täytetään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä)
6. Sisältää logon konferenssin websivuille
7. Sisältää posterit ja rollupit (max 2 posteria näyttelyalueelle), 1 henkilön konferenssin osallistumismaksun sekä illallisen.Hinta: 950€ (+24% ALV)
B – Mini - Näytteilleasettajan paketti
1. Näyttelyalueen tila 2 m2
2. Sähköt
3. Wifi - Laureasta
4. Yrityksen nimi- ja kontaktitiedot konferenssijulkaisuun
5. Sisältää 5–8 min esityksen yrityksen innovaatiosta, ratkaisuista ja konsepteista session teemaan liittyen. (Huomioithan, että esityspaikkoja on rajallinen määrä ja ne täytetään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä)
6. Sisältää logon konferenssin websivuille
7. Sisältää posterit ja rollupit (max 2 posteria näyttelyalueelle), 1 henkilön konferenssin osallistumismaksun sekä illallisen.Hinta: 750€ (+ 24% ALV)
C – Start up - Näytteilleasettajan paketti
Jos yrityksesi on alle 5 vuotta vanha ja sillä on uudenlaisia ratkaisuja digitaaliseen terveyteen liittyen, tämä on erityistarjouksemme sinulle! Olemme erityisen innostuneita auttamaan startup-yrityksiä esittelemään konferenssin aiheisiin liittyviä konsepteja ja ratkaisuja. Start up-yritysten osallistumishintaan sisältyy 5 min esitys. (Esityspaikkoja on rajoitettu määrä: priorisoimme esitykset Basic ja Startup-paketeista, joita seuraa Mini-paketit varausjärjestyksessä.)
1. Paketin sisältö kuten B (Mini) – rajallinen määrä Startup paikkoja saatavilla!
2. Bonuksena: Telelääketieteen ja e-Health seuran jäsenyys 2023 sisältyy tähän pakettiin!Hinta: 550€ (+ 24% VAT)
Vastuuvapautuslauseke: Järjestäjät pidättävät oikeuden muuttaa konferenssimuotoa ilman erillistä varoitusta, mikäli COVID19 pandemiarajoitukset tai, jokin muu ylittämätön este niin vaativat. Tällaisessa tapauksessa osallistumismaksuja ei palauteta, mutta mahdollisimman hyvin korvaava ohjelmaformaatti tarjotaan ilmoittautuneille.
Peruutus ennen 8.9.2023 oikeuttaa 50% maksupalautukseen, 9.9.2023 jälkeen ei palautusta.
Hinnasto ja peruutusehdot henkilön osallistumiselle
Ennakkohinta 11.6.2023 asti: 420 € + ALV 24 %
Ennakkohinta Telemedicine ja eHealth seuran jäsenelle 11.6.2023 asti: 390 € + ALV 24 %
Normaalihinta 12.6-8.9.2023: 520 € + ALV 24%
Normaalihinta Telemedicine ja eHealth seuran jäsenelle 12.6-8.9.2023: 490 € + ALV 24%
Opiskelijahinta: 85 € + ALV 24 % [ei sisällä iltatilaisuutta]
Vastuuvapautuslauseke: Järjestäjät pidättävät oikeuden muuttaa konferenssimuotoa ilman erillistä varoitusta, mikäli COVID19 pandemiarajoitukset tai, jokin muu ylittämätön este niin vaativat. Tällaisessa tapauksessa osallistumismaksuja ei palauteta, mutta mahdollisimman hyvin korvaava ohjelmaformaatti tarjotaan ilmoittautuneille.
Peruutus ennen 8.9.2023 oikeuttaa 50% maksupalautukseen, 8.9.2023 jälkeen ei palautusta.
Katso saapumisohjeet Tikkurilan kampukselle
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Varauskoodi: BEHEALTH2023
Majoituskiintiössä 12. - 13.10.2023 on huoneita yhteensä 50.
Standard yhden hengen huone 122 euroa / huone / yö
Standard kahden hengen huone 142 euroa / huone / yöHuonehintaan sisältyy runsas hotelliaamiainen, langaton internetyhteys (Wi-Fi) ja ALV. Pidätämme oikeuden hinnanmuutokseen.
Huoneet ovat käytössä tulopäivänä klo 15.00 jälkeen ja ne tulee luovuttaa lähtöpäivänä viimeistään klo 12.00.
Majoituskiintiössä viimeinen varauspäivä on 14.9.2023 klo 18.00 mennessä, jonka jälkeen varaamattomat huoneet vapautuvat automaattisesti myyntiin. Kiintiöstä tehdyt huonevaraukset on vahvistettava luottokortilla varausvaiheessa.
Ensisijaisesti suosittelemme osallistujille varauksen tekoa puhelimitse tai netissä, tietosuojasyistä luottokorttitietoja ei saa lähettää sähköpostitse. Huoneet ovat varattavissa kiintiötunnuksella saatavuuden mukaan vain vahvistuksessa mainitulle ajankohdalle jokainen majoittuja vastaa omista majoituskuluistaan.
Call for Abstracts
Please see the detailed instructions and a template for your abstract
- Birgitta Tetri
- Asiantuntija
- Birgitta.Tetri@laurea.fi
- Puh +358503424562