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  • Implementation date4/1/2017 - 12/31/2019
  • FunderOKM Erityisavustus
  • Research programme
  • Project typeKansallinen TKI
  • ThemesPedagogy and cocreation
  • Project managerArto Saloranta

As a result of Toteemi, powerful structures and practices are created to strengthen the higher education students’ engagement in the job market, diversify workplace contacts in higher education and enhance the wellbeing of students.

The solutions will cross boundaries between higher education and work and between higher education sectors and they will integrate students’ learning, work and employment, workplace innovation activities and renewal and business of compamies. Permanent operating models for student support, career counselling and workplace co-operation and have been created. Peer-to-peer evaluation and research -based approach equips the higher education institutions with up-to-date information about smooth progress of studies. The results on student feedback, graduation, study point accrual and employment will be followed.