AAL-2011-4 Confident Motion
COM’ON addresses the perceived orientation and navigation challenges and special needs that older persons (having mild to moderate problems with moving around) experience throughout the whole chain of travel using public transportation.The overall objective for the COM’ON consortium is to develop, test and deploy a mobile platform and associated services, which offer coping support to older persons using public transportation. COM’ON will create specific planning, sharing, and on-journey services helping older persons maintain their outdoor mobility for as long as possible.
- Implementation date3/1/2012 - 12/31/2014
- FunderAmbient Assisted Living (AAL)
- Research programme
- Project typeInternational RDI
- Themes
- Project managerAnne Äyväri
The COM’ON development will build on the sound user-driven methodology of “Wheel of innovation”. Primary users will inform, co-create and decide the design of the COM’ON solutions in every step of the innovation process, from user understanding, idea generation, concept development, prototyping and test and evaluation of the final prototype. The activities concerning need finding, idea generation and requirement specification involve ethnographic studies; contextual, qualitative interviews and observations as well as workshops and focus group activities. The concept and prototyping activities include co-creation workshops and field tests. Business model innovation will be an integrated part of the concept development process.
COM’ON is funded by the European Commission under the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme (www.aal-europe.eu). Our national funding organisation is Tekes.