Welcome to study Leading Transformational Change
Congratulations on receiving a study place at Laurea UAS in Leading Transformational Change!
You have been granted admission to the Master's Programme Leading Transformational Change at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, online studies. According to the decree given by the Ministry of Education, the name of the qualification and title conferred for the degree programme in Leading Transformational Change is Master of Business Administration. The degree falls under Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications
The starting date of studies and other important information are found below. Please also visit this page for possible important updates.
Your admission is conditional until your 2 years work experience has been proven with work certificates. Please make sure all your work experience certificates have been uploaded to your application form(Studyinfo.fi). Information about Master's degree work experience requirements is available on the Selection Criteria page.
Programme Leading Transformational Change
Starting Date 14th August 2024 at 15:00 Finnish time
Study Code HYD524SJ
The scope of the programme is 90 ECTS credits and is 1,5–2,5 years in duration. The formal timeframe of the programme is from 14th August 2024 to 31st December 2025.
This is an online degree programme which will start with the study unit Leading Sustainability Transitions on 14th August at 15:00 - 16.30. This course will be visible to you and available on canvas.laurea.fi. The course Digital Marketing will start September 4th at 15.30 - 17. Please see schedules below for details.
There will also be an online orientation 3rd September 2024. During the orientation you will get to know each other and meet your personal tutor teacher, who is there to help you during your Laurea studies. At this point, the important things to understand are the overall structure of your studies, how to plan your own study path, what your rights and responsibilities are, and how the studies are implemented in practice. In addition, you will get an overview of the Laurea IT infrastructure and e-learning environment. Laureamko, the student union, will introduce the services offered for new students.
Study Schedules
To view your study schedules go to the address: https://lukkarit.laurea.fi/
-> Select 'In English' -> Select ‘Group search’ -> Write your study group code (HYD524SJ) in to the search field-> Press search -> when you see your study group in the search results, press ‘Add’ -> Hide search results -> Select August in the calendar tool ->the schedule for your group is shown in the calendar
Please notice that changes to published schedules are possible. We advise you to check this page again in August for any possible updates.
Information about the curriculum and tentative schedules.
Laurea student account activation
Remember to complete all the steps in the Checklist for New Students! As a new student you must ensure you have activated your Laurea user account in beginning of August so that you can participate in the online studies.
​Recognition of prior learning in Master's degree programmes
Recognition of prior learning as part of the studies in Master's degree programmes in Laurea means that the student may
a) Include higher education studies that he/she has completed previously or in another higher education institution as part of his/her complementary studies,
b) Substitute a Master's degree study unit with studies completed elsewhere,
c) Ask for his/her previously obtained competence to be identified and recognized as a part of a study unit.
It is possible to include up to 15 credits of previous higher education studies in the complementary (elective) studies in the Master’s degree programmes in Laurea if:
The previous studies are graduate level studies
- The studies have been completed after the degree with which the student has
applied for Master’s degree studies in Laurea - The previous studies date back to less than ten years
You will receive more information about the recognition of previous studies when you have the discussion concerning your personal study plan in the beginning of your studies.
Your Student Union: Laureamko
Each University of Applied Sciences has a Student Union. The Student Union works to increase the quality of the education and Student wellbeing. The student Union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences is called Laureamko.
Laureamko brings the student's point of view to Laurea's decision making. Laureamko has plenty of actors at every campus who work for you, in particular. Furthermore, Laureamko also offers web services, the Laureamko Shop is an online shop for the Students and Laureamko chat supports you in any matters related to studies.
Laureamko arranges many different events and many other things that supports solidarity. You will find more information on the Laureamko pages, from Facebook and Instagram.