Laurea participates in development of Correctional Services training in Turkey
Turkey has launched the Twinning project to develop a correctional institution system with the help of the models of Finland and Estonia.
Finland and Estonia participate in the EU’s Twinning project, launched in autumn 2019, aiming to develop the Turkish correctional institution system to match the European standards. The Finnish participants to the project are the Criminal Sanctions Agency, the Training Institute for Prison and Probation Services and Laurea University of Applied Sciences.
The two-year project was officially launched in Turkey in mid-November. The project participants met with Turkish correctional service and education management in the Turkish capital, Ankara.
- According to the spirit of Twinning projects, the work is performed in the destination country in co-operation with the locals, explains Director Kati Komulainen from Laurea.
The objective of the first phase is to analyse the correctional services education system in Turkey. Turkey has a population of over 80 million and five training institutes for prison services.
- During the first visit, we interviewed local actors and studied the current state of education and its future outlook as well as possibilities for online learning and evaluation, Ms Komulainen explains.
The work will continue on a second visit in December.
According to Ms Komulainen, Turkey is very eager to improve the level of correctional services education in the country. In Turkey, they are very impressed by the Finnish education system.
- It was inspiring to meet the top management of correctional services in Turkey. They reminded us that in Turkey they particularly wanted Finns to participate in the project.
Laurea is the only higher education institution in Finland to offer education in correctional services. The education is provided in co-operation with the Training Institute for Prison and Probation Services.