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Excellent ratings for projects coordinated by Laurea

Laurea's RDI projects completed last year have achieved excellent ratings in a survey sent to project partners. All respondents rated Laurea's overall success in project coordination as commendable or good.

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The survey is sent to the projects coordinated by Laurea after the end of each project. The evaluation asks for feedback on the different aspects of the project, the relevance of the results and the willingness to recommend the project.

The projects received feedback such as:
"The communication, the community and the management of the project itself. Also the results are great."

"Everything is perfect; that's why we love to do projects with LAUREA for many years now."

"The understanding and communication between the project manager (Laurea) and the management of the partner organisation."

"The project has a highly professional staff. The project has achieved more than what was promised in the project application. In addition, the atmosphere has been excellent: supportive and respectful."

"The project achieved its objectives excellently, even exceeding them in some cases. Participants were well engaged in the project."

"The students carried out a survey and at the same time marketed the project. This was an effective way to involve participants in the project."

The development ideas received are used to develop the project activities.

62 responses were received for projects completed between 2020 and 2023. Responses have been received for 23 different projects, 4 of which are international. The NPS is 60, which is an improvement compared to the previous year (57).