Welcome to The CRITIS2023 Conference on 13th - 15th of September 2023
CRITIS2023 is the 18th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security and will be held on 13th – 15th of September 2023 at Laurea University of Applied Sciences in the Helsinki metropolitan region in Finland
Go to CRITIS2023 event website
CRITIS 2023 aims to bring together researchers, academic professionals, critical (information) infrastructure operators, industry, defence and governmental organizations working in the field of complex infrastructure system security. CRITIS2023 welcomes especially but not limited to research topics focusing on information exchange security and securing information infrastructures in various ways, also topics related to hybrid threats and critical information infrastructure security are encouraged. In addition, CRITIS2023 aims to nurture and inspire young and open-minded researchers in this challenging multidisciplinary research field of safety & security.
The CRITIS2023 Conference continues the tradition of bringing forth innovative research in the field of critical information infrastructures protection C(I)IP, exploring ideas that address challenges to resilience and societal safety & security, and fostering dialogue with stakeholders.
The CRITIS2023 is organized by Laurea CRITIS 2023 Research Group
- Päivi Mattila
- Tutkimusohjelmajohtaja
- Puh 358406402253
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