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Different needs have been identified with language learners and immigrants and those who work with them. Many different solutions have been developed for these needs. The outputs range from videos, board and digital games and simulations to scientific publications.


Lydén, H., Einovaara, S., Mäkelä, M., and Rivera-Macias, B. (2024) Yhteismuotoilulla uutta ymmärrystä ja kielitaitoa. Tuloksena opetusvideoita työn arkikieleen. Laurea Journal,

Rivera-Macias, B., Lydén, H., Heikinmatti, S., and Leminen A. (2023) Facilitating flow in foreign language learning. Laurea Journal,

Leminen A., Rivera-Macias, B., Lydén, H., and Heikinmatti, S. (2023) Flow in foreign language learning. Laurea Journal,

Lydén, H., Suoheimo, M., Leminen, A.,and Miettinen, S.(2023) Immigrant Integration through Codesign – A Journey Map of integration into working life, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy.


Below is the video series "Learn workplace Finnish" that teaches typical phrases and subjects often needed at a workplace. You can also watch the videos on Laurea's Youtube channel

Board games

Digital learning games


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