OMA OTE - Opiskelijoiden hyvinvointitoimijuuden ja opintojen edistymisen tukeminen koronatilanteessa Laureassa
The OMA OTE Supporting students’ agency for well-being and study progress during COVID-19 at Laurea project focused on supporting the well-being of students and the progress of their studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the project was to strengthen students' experience of life management and their own wellbeing, and to support them in planning their studies. The project was implemented as a multi-stakeholder and multi-professional collaboration so that it reached students from Laurea's different campuses.
- Implementation date1/1/2021 - 2/28/2022
- FunderOKM Erityisavustus
- Research programmeSustainable and versatile social and health care
- Project typeKansallinen TKI
- ThemesDigitalisation and information management in society, Pedagogy and cocreation, Ethical competence and foresight competence
- Project managerAnna Nykänen
Different type of guidance services and other support was developed and offered for students to support progressing in the studies and study wellbeing. The project was launched in January 2021 and it ended in the end of February 2022.
Further information on the project is mainly available in Finnish. You can find some information in English from the project's process portfolio.
Contact person
- Anna Nykänen
- Specialist
- Tel 0988687457
- Ann-Marie Suvisaari
- Senior Lecturer
- Tel (09) 8868 7627
- Jaana Akiola
- Specialist
- Tel (09) 8868 7044