Sustainable Mobility
Laurea’s goal is being a carbon-neutral higher education institution in 2030. We want to reduce our carbon footprint in many ways and one of these areas is sustainable mobility.

Sustainable mobility means to travel by foot, bike, public transit, or other carbon neutral ways of travel. Laurea has six campuses in Helsinki region and all the campuses can be easily reached by public transport. This enables staff and students to easily reach the campuses by public transport instead of their own car.
Laurea prefers to use public transportation. Laurea uses the ePassi application to support individual recreational activities of Laurea staff. Laurea provides employees 50 euros in commute benefit via the ePassi application. With commute benefit employees can pay for local transit cars, train and bus passes, or season tickets.
To minimize carbon footprint, Laurea also uses digitalization and telework appropriately in the activities of the higher education community and in our cooperation with regional and international partners.
More information:
- Iita Kaukonen
- Coordinator
- Tel +358405036134