Laurea Smart online store has opened - check out the summer studies offer
The online store brings together Laurea’s continuous learning offerings on a single platform.
Laurea Smart, the online store for continuous learning, is now open to the public. In the online store, you can find a variety of current, work-life-oriented courses to develop your own expertise. Laurea University of Applied Sciences offers high-quality education for both private customers and organisations.
The first phase will include summer courses offered by the Open University of Applied Sciences, free online courses and tailor-made courses for business customers. In the future, training and other products will be added in stages.
Free content is also available online in the form of micro-courses, podcasts and videos. To enrol in paid or credit courses, you must register, while other content is freely available.
In the future, Laurea Smart will gradually add more training and other products to its range. The autumn 2024 Open University of Applied Sciences offer will be published in the online shop on 22 May.