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Loaning and services

Laurea Library is open to public. You can use the same library card in all 3AMK libraries as well as other UAS, university and Helmet or Helle library cards. Contact staff for more information. Welcome!

Please visit library customer service to get a library card. We’ll tell you then more about our service. Welcome! You can leave your information before your visit via this form.


A PIN-code is needed in renewing or reserving items online in Finna and also when using the self-service borrowing in the library.

  • Loan periods 
    Main collection, series, storage material, theses 28 days
    Short loans 14 days
    Journals not loanable
    Reading room copies not loanable

    Customer can have a maximum of 100 loans at a time.

  • Renewals 

    Loans can be extended if there are no reservations.

    Renewal is possible:

    •     through the Internet in Finna
    •     in Tuudo app
    •     by visiting the Library's customer service.

    Loans can be renewed fifteen times. After this the books have to be returned to the library. Loans can't be renewed, if the fines of the customer have reached 15 €.

  • Library rules 

    When accepting a library card customer accepts Library Rules (PDF).

  • Reservations 

    You can reserve a book in Finna from all 3AMK libraries. Here you can find step by step guidelines on making a reservation. Please note: Haaga-Helia Vierumäki campus sends books only if other libraries don’t have available copies.

    You can reserve via Finna also books, which are available on the shelf.

    • Reserved books are kept for 5 days.
    • If reservations aren’t picked up on time, the fee is 2 € / title         
    • When reserved material arrives the client will be notified via e-mail. The reservation can be cancelled by informing the library. Reservations are free of charge.

    Customer can have a maximum of 50 reservations at a time.

  • Returning 

    Materials can be returned to any of the 3AMK libraries.

    If the library is closed, it is still possible to leave books in the drop boxes. Materials returned after the closing time are not checked in until the next working day.

    When campuses are closed, it is not possible to return books.

    Library materials may also be returned by mail. The borrower is held responsible for all the mailed material until they are received and checked in at the Laurea Library.

    There are overdue fines for the library material. Overdue fines will not accumulate when a library is closed.

    For more information, see Service fees.

  • Service fees for Laurea students and staff + other libraries 

    Different unit libraries may have additional services (e.g. current contents). For more information, please contact unit information specialist. Additional services are available according to existing resources only.

    If Laurea unit has a valid service agreement with a local vocational school, service fees will be determined according to said agreement.

    Laurea students refer to all degree students (including further education and specialization studies).

    Loans and photocopies from Laurea collections  
    Loans from other Laurea campuses Free of charge
    Article copies from other campuses free of charge
    Reservations Free of charge
    Uncharged reservations 2 €
    Overdue fines*

    General collection and Short loans: 0.50 €/book/day

    Return of loaning privileges**

    Free of charge (provided the books are returned or renewed and overdue fines do not exceed 15 €)

    Loans and article copies to other libraries  
    Interlibrary loans to other libraries 10 € /loan
    Article copies to other libraries 10 € article
    Interlibrary loans and article copies for UAS libraries Free of charge
    Loans and article copies from other libraries to Laurea students and staff  
    Interlibrary loans in Finland Free of charge
    Article copies in Finland Free of charge
    Other library fees  
    New library card to replace a lost one 3 €
    Lost or damaged material Purchase price or provide a new copy to the library. If you want an invoice for the material, the invoice fee is 5 €.
    Laurea Thesis 30 €.

    *Fines are charged for overdue loans covering all overdue calendar days. Overdue fines have been defined in the library service fee list on the library’s web page. The maximum amount per client is 80 euros, and 15 euros per title.

    Unpaid overdue fines and handling costs can be recovered from the client through invoicing and the services of a collection agency. If legal channels have to be used, the client will cover both the collecting expenses and the legal expenses. 

    **Losing and regaining borrowing privileges

    A client will lose his/her borrowing privileges if they have overdue fines worth 15 euros or more, or if they have lost or damaged library material and have failed to settle the matter with the library. A client will regain his/her borrowing privileges by returning the overdue material and by paying the fines or by replacing or paying for the damaged material. Should a client damage or lose any library material, he/she is obliged to compensate for the material. Lost or damaged material must be replaced with a new copy or by paying a sum defined in the library service fee list. If legal channels have to be used, the client will cover both the collecting expenses and the legal expenses.

    For more information:

  • Service fees for other customers 

    Other customers are other than Laurea's students and staff  of Laurea

    Loans and photocopies from Laurea collections  
    Loans from other Laurea campuses Free of charge
    Article copies from other campuses Free of charge
    Reservations Free of charge
    Uncharged reservations 2 €
    Overdue fines*

    General collection and Short loans: 0.50 €/book/day

    Return of loaning privileges** Free of charge (provided the books are returned or renewed and overdue fines do not exceed 15 €)
    Loans and article copies to other libraries  
    Interlibrary loans to other libraries 10 €/loan
    Article copies to other libraries 10 €/article
    Information service  
    Online catalogue searches (online catalogues in Finland and abroad) 30 €/hour
    Database searches (other databases) 50 €/hour
    Literature search 50 €/hour
    Minimum charge will be for one hour  
    User education  
    Library instruction (30-45 min.) Free of charge
    Database or Portal user education 70 €/hour
    The basics of information retrieval 80 €/hour
    User tutoring for thesis writers 80 €/hour
    Personal user consulting 90 €/hour
    Consulting in the subject chosen by the customer 100 €/hour
    Other fees  
    New library card to replace a lost one 3 €
    Lost or damaged material Purchase price or provide a new copy to the library. If you want an invoice for the material, the invoice fee is 5 €.
    Laurea Thesis 30 €.

    *Fines are charged for overdue loans covering all overdue calendar days. Overdue fines have been defined in the library service fee list on the library’s web page. The maximum amount per client is 80 euros, and 15 euros per title.

    Unpaid overdue fines and handling costs can be recovered from the client through invoicing and the services of a collection agency. If legal channels have to be used, the client will cover both the collecting expenses and the legal expenses. 

    **Losing and regaining borrowing privileges

    A client will lose his/her borrowing privileges if they have overdue fines worth 15 euros or more, or if they have lost or damaged library material and have failed to settle the matter with the library. A client will regain his/her borrowing privileges by returning the overdue material and by paying the fines or by replacing or paying for the damaged material. Should a client damage or lose any library material, he/she is obliged to compensate for the material. Lost or damaged material must be replaced with a new copy or by paying a sum defined in the library service fee list. If legal channels have to be used, the client will cover both the collecting expenses and the legal expenses.

    For more information:

  • Interlibrary services for individual customers 

    Laurea Library can order interlibrary loans from other Finnish libraries according to the following ‎principles:‎

    • Loans are not provided from public libraries.‎
    • Interlibrary loan requests can be made only for material not available in 3AMK libraries (Laurea, Haaga-Helia and Metropolia) ‎collections.‎

    To make a request for interlibrary loan, please contact your library. Interlibrary loans ‎must be returned to the same library unit they were requested.‎

    Service fees

    • Interlibrary loans and article copies are free of charge for Laurea, Haaga-Helia and Metropolia students and staff.
    • Interlibrary loans and article copies for other customers are 10 € / loan or article.
    • Interlibrary loans and article copies from National Repository Library are free of charge for everyone.
  • Interlibrary services for other libraries 

    Laurea Library gives books from main collection (four week loan) for interlibrary loans and sends ‎photocopies to other libraries upon request. Interlibrary loans or article copies are not sent outside Finland.‎

    Laurea Library has a joint customer database and search interface with Haaga-Helia and Metropolia libraries. Interlibrary requests are sent to the organization whose book is requested.

    Interlibrary request form (in Finnish)

    Questions concerning interlibrary loans to kaukopalvelu [at]‎

    Service fees

    • Books 10 € / loan‎
    • Article copies 10 € / article
  • Printing and scanning 

    Students and staff can use Laurea multifunction printers for copying, scanning and printing. The multifunction devices are under the responsibility of Laurea IT Services. More instructions available on student intranet.

    Other customers cannot print, scan or make photocopies at Laurea campuses. The use of multifunction printers is related to Laurea ID.


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Laurea library is open to public. Contact staff for more information.

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