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MORFEUS - Future value creation in wellbeing service networks The joint multidisciplinary project of Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Aalto University, MORFEUS (01/01/2015–30/6/2017) studies and develops wellbeing services’ multi-actor ecosystems. The project employs an action research approach and works through service design, information modeling and future studies focusing also on contracting practices. In the project, actors of the ecosystem i.e. companies, public and third sector organizations offering wellbeing services are mapped and the relations between them explored – especially in mental health, child protection and substance abuse related services. The project develops an information modeling suitable for various service domains to which all information required for the procurement and production of a service will be collected.

  • Implementation date1/1/2015 - 6/30/2017
  • FunderTekes
  • Research programmeSustainable and versatile social and health care
  • Project typeKansallinen TKI
  • Themes
  • Project managerPäivi Pöyry-Lassila

MORFEUS - Future value creation in well-being service networks

The joint multidisciplinary project of Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Aalto University, MORFEUS (01/2015–06/2017) aims to study and develop wellbeing services’ multi-actor ecosystems. The project employs an action research approach and works through service design, information modeling and future studies focusing also on contracting practices. In the project, actors of the ecosystem i.e. companies, public and third sector organizations offering wellbeing services are mapped and the relations between them explored – especially in mental health, child protection and substance abuse related services. The project is funded by Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, and 15 partner organizations from private, public, and third sector.

The project is citizen-led by nature, and the well-being service ecosystem is studied and developed by looking into the collection of services that a case example family is using. The research project consists of five intensive co-development cycles in which research partners and other stakeholders closely participate. The research partners comprehensively represent well-being service actors in Uusimaa region from the municipality sector, the producers of well-being services, and the producers of digital tools and consulting services.

The main research problem of the project is: ‘How can cross-organizational collaboration be facilitated when developing customer-centered well-being service ecosystems?’

The project develops an information modeling framework suitable for various service domains. All information required for the procurement and production of a service will be collected into the information model. The information modelling clarifies roles, relations and information needs of the actors and strives to enable the development, production and procurement of more (cost-)effective and client-oriented services in the future. Based on the information modeling to be produced in the project, it will be possible to develop novel digital tools that support the development and improved functioning of the well-being service ecosystem.